The trend of excellent ratings by our guests continues in 2018.
Mar 23, 2018
Check why the guests of hotel Zenit, from all continents estimate the stay
in Novi Sad and Hotel Zenit with highest marks at all specialized hotel internet portals.
In 2018., Hotel Zenit is by our users on Google’s review rated more than 30 times with the maximum score of 5.
At the most famous portal, our hotel was in 2018, estimated 11 times,
and 8 ratings is over mark 9.
93 users of Trivago portal rated Hotel Zenit an average grade of 8.5,
which places us in a group of hotels with the highest rating in Novi Sad.
Hotel Zenit is EXCELLENT because the complete experience of Novi Sad starts from our hotel.
Everything in one place. All of Novi Sad from one point.
Experience magical moments and explore Novi Sad
Welcome to Hotel Zenit Novi Sad.